Epistemic Decolonization through the Colonial, Anti- and Post-Colonial Archive in Contemporary Art
This visual essay comprises a selection of works made by artists from several generations and geographies, who contribute to an epistemic decolonization in, and of, the present by means of archival research. With works by Kiluanji Kia Henda (Angola, 1979), Filipa César (Portugal, 1975), Olavo Amado (São Tomé and Príncipe, 1979), Ângela Ferreira (Mozambique, 1958), Eurídice Kala aka Zaituna Kala (Mozambique, 1987), Délio Jasse (Angola, 1980), Daniel Barroca (Portugal, 1976), Filipe Branquinho (Mozambique, 1977), and Mónica de Miranda (Portugal/Angola, 1976), I propose a possible reading of the various ways in which contemporary artists have been working critically with colonial archives, not only public, but also private and familial, in view of a decolonizing memorialization of Portuguese colonialism and an understanding of its profound and multifarious impact in contemporary societies – notably regarding structural and institutional racism in Portugal, and enduring patterns of coloniality and neo-colonialism in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe.
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Balona de Oliveira, A. (2016b). Archival Past Futures of Revolution and Decolonization in Contemporary Artistic Practice from and about ‘Lusophone’ Africa. In Red Africa: Affective Communities and the Cold War. Ed. Mark Nash. London: Black Dog Publishing.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2016c). Os Hóspedes do Globo: (Des-)Mapeando a Memória da Cidade Vertical com a Horizontalidade do Corpo. Buala. https://www.buala.org/pt/vou- la-visitar/os-hospedes-do-globo-des-mapeando-a-memoria-da-cidade-vertical-com-a- horizontalidad-0.
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Balona de Oliveira, A. (2016e). De Mercados de Rua, Álbuns de Guerra e Filmes de Família à Prática Artística Contemporânea: Descolonizando o Presente através do Arquivo Colonial. Atas do V Encontro Anual da AIM. Ed. Sofia Sampaio, Filipe Reis, Gonçalo Mota. Lisboa: AIM.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2017a). A Decolonizing Impulse: Artists in the Colonial and Post- Colonial Archive, Or the Boxes of Departing Settlers between Maputo, Luanda and Lisbon. In (Re)Imagining African Independence: Film, Visual Arts and the Fall of the Portuguese Empire. Ed. Maria do Carmo Piçarra, Teresa Castro. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2017b). Globo Lodgers: (Un-)Mapping the Memory of the Vertical City with the Horizontality of the Body. In Mónica de Miranda: Geography of Affections (2012-2016). Lisboa: Mónica de Miranda (edição de artista).
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2017c). Panoramic in Moving Fragments, Or Mónica de Miranda's Twin Visions of (Un)Belonging. Buala. https://www.buala.org/en/ill-visit/panoramic-in- moving-fragments-or-monica-de-miranda-s-twin-visions-of-unbelonging.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2018). Panoramic in Moving Fragments, Or Mónica de Miranda's Twin Visions of (Un)Belonging. In Atlantica: Contemporary Art from Angola and its Diaspora. Lisboa: Hangar Books, Orfeu Negro & CEC-FLUL.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2019a). Diálogos Artísticos, Transdisciplinares e Intergeracionais: Práticas Artísticas Contemporâneas e o Imaginário de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho. In Diálogos com Ruy Duarte de Carvalho. Lisboa: Buala & CEC-FLUL.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2019b). Falling Radio Towers and Flying Mausoleums: Iconographies of Revolution and Utopia in the work of Ângela Ferreira and Kiluanji Kia Henda. In Revolution 3.0: Iconographies of Radical Change. Munich: AVM.edition.
Balona de Oliveira, A. (2019c). Panoramas de Fragmentos Móveis, Ou Visões Gémeas de (Des)Pertença na Obra de Mónica de Miranda. Revista Vazantes 3 (1): 5-16.
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