Média, tempo e memória
media, time, memory, electronic networks, technical reproducibilityAbstract
Traditional media work as devices of selection, narrative
configuration and dissemination of events. In the same way, as the power of narrative in the structuring of time and experience, it can be said that the selection by media of what we intend to mark in the present and in the past is a mechanism for the construction of social memory. So, the media "make history", by going into the terrain of historiography, and "make memory", by participating and interfering in the process of building collective memory. However, digital media – as devices
characterized by instantaneity, speediness, retention and propagation of images and messages – introduce new possibilities of communication, dissemination and archiving. At the same time,
they change the relations in space and in time. We are interested in inquiring whether traditional and digital media contributes to the construction of collective memory or, on the contrary, to their deterioration, since the new information and communication technologies have unlimited possibilities of dissemination, archival and technical memory, as well as dematerialization and timelessness. Therefore, it is important to ask if the relations with time, space and memory might suffer ongoing changes.
In order to understand how traditional media and new digital technologies intervene in the construction of memory, we begin with a perspective on a phenomenology and on a pragmatics of memory, moving on to the question of collective memory and to the relation between history and memory. We intend to apply this interrogation to the relationships between event, media and archive and also to the technicity of memory, and to the new relations to time and space in digital networks.
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