Produção mediática em sala de aula – desafio ou oportunidade pedagógica?
creative media production, media habits, media educationAbstract
The impacts of the digital revolution have affected the most diverse areas and social practices. Not only the ways we work and communicate, but also the ways we learn and teach have been confronted with the importance of modernizing and tapping into the media potential. Especially those that are more accessible in everyday life.
Increased familiarity with the media and the liberalization of their access can thus be understood as opportunities for school to enjoy the informal learning and practices of teachers and students to bring education closer to those involved and to promote the acquisition and development of new skills.
A mixed methods approach was adopted. After a phase of application of questionnaires to
teachers and students, data was complemented with an additional phase of interviews with teachers. Based on the analysis of teachers’ and students’ habits and creative media practices, both in their daily lives and educational contexts, we aimed to reflect on the conditions and predispositions for the introduction of media in the classroom as work tools that prepare young people to participate in society and in their communities. The results reveal that, despite the existence of a positive correlation between those who use media more frequently in the daily life and those who use them more frequently in the educational context, the uses in both contexts are still very distinctive. On the other hand, teachers and students report reduced creation, production and participation habits, making it clear that these are not the main purposes of using media in their daily routines.
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