Fotografia Selfie em festivais: Experiência cultural como dispositivo para a nova imagem urbana
photography, experience, city, festivals, memory, selfie, urban renewalAbstract
The exponential growth of photography has generated a huge impact in the propagation of cultural image of contemporary cities, especially when the selfie genre is discussed. This text is intended to think the revitalization of urban image by culture, and the role occupied by photography selfie in this process. The social uses of photography, usual in social networks, have shifted the production of city identities into the experience field. As such process has been meaningfully going on by culture, the article will bring festivals and other initiatives of the genre into focus that have, somehow, demonstrated important evidences for selfie image. From the interaction between public and place (photography and video), simulated physical spaces are created, influencing the structure of cities to a large extent by the imaginary order. The “photograph- memory-experience” device triggered through different practices of urban cultural consumption and modifies the way of the subject lives the city and gives him an immaterial rhetoric which reconstructs and gives new meaning to this relation at every share or like received in web channels.
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