O blackface em Portugal. Breve história do humor racista
Racism, humor, colonialism, post-colonialism, PortugalAbstract
The overvaluation of the transgressive capacity of humor tends to put it out of criticism, even when humorous exercise generates racist stereotypes. The hierarchical and discriminatory sys- tem of colonial societies was reinforced by racialized forms of entertainment, namely black-face. Known for its primary racism, blackface humor portrayed the black population as lack of intelligence, lazy, superstitious, etc. Although it is a humorous sub-genre of North American origin, the practice of blackface has internationalized and has also reached Portugal. This arti-cle will make a brief history of racist humor in Portugal, starting by identifying the first comedi-ans who resorted to blackface in the historical context of Portuguese colonialism, while men-tioning recent examples, which reveal how this practice, not only persists, but somehow it has intensified and diversified in the post-colonial context.
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