Streaming Movements and Cultural Identity in the New Order of Transnational Remakes




adaptation, streaming, transnational remakes, television serial fiction, cultural identity


The advent of streaming platforms established new demands and paradigms, generating a necessary reconfiguration of the creation and production processes of television content and formats. A recurring category of traditional television, the transnational remake starts to manifest itself with other contours, submitted to a new order of practices and meanings. What is gained and lost in translation from the local to the global exhibition? From the proposal of a systematisation of the strategies employed by the streaming industry in the production and exhibition of transnational remakes, this article organises a path supported by the analysis of some transnational franchises of serialised fiction from the broadcasting era (The Office and Bron/Broen [The Bridge]) and the streaming era (Dix Pour Cent [Ten Percent] and La Casa de Papel [Money Heist]) , recognising the leading role of Netflix in the industry. Structured chronologically in "movements", such systematisation draws on the analogy created by Erwin Panofsky (1978) between film and the medieval cathedral and moves alongside the historical timeline of Netflix's business models, as convened by Laura Osur (2016). Hopefully, the conclusions obtained offer relevant inputs for the debate on transnational remakes in television, highlighting their contribution to the processes of cultural affirmation and the identity construction of the realities they represent.


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Author Biography

Alexis Parrot, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil

Alexis Parrot is a researcher, screenwriter, and journalist. He is a master's student in the Postgraduate Degree in Communication at the Federal Fluminense University, specialising in media, culture, and the production of meaning, having gained a degree in social communication from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Parrot conducts research on fictional TV series and is a member of TeleVisões, a TV and new media research group. Between 2016 and 2023, he was a columnist for online news website Dom Total, providing TV reviews.


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How to Cite

Parrot, A. (2023). Streaming Movements and Cultural Identity in the New Order of Transnational Remakes. Vista, (11), e023006.



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