Armando de Almeida. A Lesson in Resistance in Portuguese Running Culture




Armando de Almeida, anti-racism, archive, running culture, visual culture


In March 1913, Armando de Almeida won the "Semana Desportiva" (Sports Week) marathon organised by the newspaper O Mundo. In May of the same year, he repeated the feat by winning the marathon at the National Olympic Games, then the most important athletics competition in the country. For these victories, he was considered the national marathon champion for 1913 by the Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo (Portuguese Athletics Federation). It is worth noting that the Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo only formally existed in 1921. Against the backdrop of significant political and social upheaval and within an elitist and largely unstructured ecosystem, Armando de Almeida stood out among the core group of athletes participating in these new forms of leisure and mass cultural demonstrations — long-distance pedestrian races. His active involvement in the running culture of the metropolis coincided with the emergence and growth of the Black movement (1911–1933) — which pioneered political activism against racism in Portugal.

This text delves into the recovery of photographs and narratives from the early days of Portuguese athletics, aiming to biograph Armando de Almeida. Through an exercise of empathy and activism, it contributes to the debate, counteracting historical oversights and invisibilities. Additionally, it attempts to reconstruct the connections between the athlete's emancipatory endeavours and the organisation of political and social movements during the turbulent period of the First Republic. Set in the capital of a colonial empire with a notable presence of people of African descent, it explores this centuries-old historical phenomenon.


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Author Biographies

Luís Camanho, Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Luís Camanho works in graphic and editorial design, photography theory and history, image narratives, visual culture and race culture. He is currently enrolled in the doctoral programme in Design at the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Porto, with a research grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

José Carneiro, Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

José Carneiro serves as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP). He is a member of the Executive Board of the FBAUP and director of the master's programme in Image Design (FBAUP). Additionally, José Carneiro is the director of the Centro de Estudos em Design e Arte (FBAUP). With a PhD in Art and Design from the FBAUP (2014), he is a researcher at the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture while also collaborating with the Institute for Research Institute in Art, Design and Society. He authored numerous scientific papers and has regularly participated in national and international conferences. Alongside his academic pursuits, he engages in artistic and communication design work, notably spearheading projects like Records & Photographs and the "Clube da Esquina" (Corner Boss) radio programme.

Susana Lourenço Marques, Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Susana Lourenço Marques is an associate professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and has a PhD in Communication and Art from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Nova University of Lisbon. She is an integrated researcher at the Research Institute in Art, Design and Society/Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. Susana authored the books Ether/Um Laboratório de Fotografia e História (Ether/A Photography and History Lab; Dafne, 2018) and Pó, Cinza, Nevoeiro - Um Ensaio Sobre a Ausência (Dust, Grey, Fog - An Essay on Absence; 2018) and has co-edited Livros de Fotografia em Portugal: Da Revolução ao Presente (Photography Books in Portugal: From the Revolution to the Present; 2023), Lágrimas de Crocodilo – Fotografia e Crítica em Portugal 1980-2000 (Crocodile Tears - Photography and Criticism in Portugal 1980-2000; 2022) and Pedagogy of the Streets: Porto 1977 (2018). She has curated numerous exhibitions, including: "Quem Te Ensinou? Ninguém" (Who Taught You? No-one) by Elvira Leite (2016), "Galeria Portátil PLF" (PLF Portable Gallery; 2018), "Imagem/Técnica" (Image/Technique), “Os Inventários de Emilio Biel" (Emilio Biel's Inventories; 2020), "Opacity of Water" (2021), "Loss of Aura" (2022), "Eternal Youth" (2023) and "No Tempo dos Dias Lentos" (In the Time of Slow Days; 2023). In 2014, she co-founded the publishing house Pierrot le Fou (


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How to Cite

Camanho, L., Carneiro, J., & Marques, S. L. (2024). Armando de Almeida. A Lesson in Resistance in Portuguese Running Culture. Vista, (13), e024003.



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