Enhancing Firefighter Training With Virtual Reality: Benefits, Challenges, and Technological Integration





remote training, virtual reality, simulation, firefighter training


The use of virtual reality (VR) in firefighter training represents a promising innovation that has the potential to revolutionise traditional training methods by allowing simulations of high-risk scenarios in a controlled and safe environment. This article examines the benefits and challenges of incorporating VR into training programmes, emphasising its advantages in developing practical skills and preparing for complex situations of emergency. The realism offered by VR enables firefighters to immerse themselves in virtual environments, where they can practise manoeuvres and decision-making without the inherent risks of real fires. This enhances safety and allows scenarios to be repeated at minimal additional cost.   However, the implementation of VR in training faces technical and acceptance challenges. Issues such as the high cost of equipment, difficulties in creating fully realistic simulations — particularly in replicating factors like heat and smoke — and resistance from some professionals to adopting new technologies are significant barriers. Additionally, the need for specialised hardware and the potential for physical discomfort, such as nausea, highlight the importance of an adaptation period.   Nevertheless, studies suggest that VR offers significant benefits, including immediate feedback and the ability to customise training to meet individual needs. The successful integration of VR requires a collaborative approach involving fire brigades and technology developers. This collaboration is crucial to tailor the innovation to the specific requirements of emergency training. The potential of VR to enhance firefighter preparedness safely and efficiently points to its increasing application in public safety, underscoring the importance of future research to optimise its use in real emergency scenarios.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Miguel Pinheiro, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Universidade Aberta/Universidade do Algarve, Lisbon, Portugal

Bruno Miguel Pinheiro has served as a firefighter with the Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa (Lisbon Fire Brigade Regiment) since 2005. He holds a degree in Multimedia Engineering and Computer Science from the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas de Lisboa and a postgraduate qualification in Virtual Reality. Pinheiro also completed a master's degree in Computer Science, specialising in Mobile Devices and Multimedia, at the same institution. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Digital Media Art through a collaboration between the University of the Algarve and Universidade Aberta.    

Pedro Alves da Veiga, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Alves da Veiga holds a PhD in Digital Media Art, from both Universidade Aberta and University of Algarve. He serves as a lecturer at Universidade Aberta, where he is the deputy director of the PhD programme in Digital Media Art. He has been an entrepreneur for more than two decades, with award-winning web design and multimedia work. He is an integrated member of the Research Centre in Arts and Communication. Additionally, he collaborates with the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture. His research focuses on the influence of the economies of attention and experience on the digital media-art ecosystem, research methods based on artistic practice, and digital curation. He uses assemblage, generative creative programming and digital audiovisuals in his artistic creations, which are regularly exhibited in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Holland, Romania, Russia, China, Thailand, Brazil and the United States.

Paulo Duarte Branco, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Paulo Duarte Branco is an associate professor and the coordinator of the Projects and Internationalisation Department at the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas. He is also a visiting assistant professor at the Santarém Polytechnic University. At the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas, Branco holds significant roles, including directing the Multimedia Engineering degree programme and overseeing the professional training course in Multimedia Product Development. He earned a PhD in Multimedia in Education from the University of Aveiro. Branco is an active member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre in Arts and Communication. He has supervised numerous master's theses, contributing significantly to the academic development of his students. Actively involved in various research projects, he is committed to continually advancing knowledge in his field. He also coordinates international projects, namely under the Erasmus+ programme, fostering global collaboration and enhancing educational experiences.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, B. M., Veiga, P. A. da, & Branco, P. D. (2024). Enhancing Firefighter Training With Virtual Reality: Benefits, Challenges, and Technological Integration. Vista, (14), e024016. https://doi.org/10.21814/vista.5875



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