The Influence of Emotion in Humanitarian Journalism: The Perspective of Portuguese Photojournalists in Ukraine




emotion, photography, photojournalism, humanitarian journalism, Ukraine


Immersed in a context of social emergency, the concept of Humanitarian Journalism (Bunce, Scott & Wright, 2019; 2022) currently takes on new contours that give it a previously neglected relevance and vitality. For this reason, this article proposes to navigate through its meaning, inquiring about the influence of emotion in the dissemination oh humanitarian information. For this purpose, in order to gather new contributions, a survey was carried out among a group of Portuguese photojournalists, sent to Ukraine in he first months of the conflict and who, upon their return, exposed parto f their work in the Diakuyu initiative – Thanks, promoted by the Portuguese Society of Authors and the cultural association, CC11. The study confirms the complexity surrounding the place that emotion should assume in the context of journalistic reporting, as well as the admissibility of the photojournalist admitting his point of view in the face of the observed reality.


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Author Biographies

Catarina Melo, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Catarina Melo is a communication manager at the Fundação Fernando Pessoa, a PhD candidate in communication sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho and a guest researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre. She holds an undergraduate degree and a master's degree in communication sciences, specialising in information and journalism, from Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto.

Felisbela Lopes, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Felisbela Lopes is a professor at the University of Minho, where she is the director of the PhD programme and the Department of Communication Sciences. At the university, she was also Pro-Rector for Communication. In 2003, Felisbela Lopes coordinated the Livro Branco do Serviço Público de Média (White Paper of the Public Media Service in Portugal) and, in 2021, was part of a team of experts responsible for the country's deconfinement plans during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is an expert and coordinating researcher in television information, health communication/journalism and information sources. She is the author of more than a hundred scientific articles and books, including A COVID-19 em Portugal: A Estratégia (COVID-19 in Portugal: The Strategy; UMinho Editora, 2022); Marcelo, Presidente Todos os Dias (Marcelo, President Every Day; Porto Editora, 2019); Jornalista: Uma Profissão Ameaçada (Journalist: A Threatened Profession; Alêtheia, 2015); Vinte Anos de TV Privada em Portugal (Twenty Years of Private TV in Portugal; Editora Guerra e Paz, 2012); A TV do Real (The TV of the Real; Minerva, 2008); A TV das Elites (The TV of the Elites; Campo das Letras, 2007); Telejornal e o Serviço Público (Television News and Public Service; Minerva, 1999).


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How to Cite

Melo, C., & Lopes, F. (2023). The Influence of Emotion in Humanitarian Journalism: The Perspective of Portuguese Photojournalists in Ukraine. Vista, (12), e023009.