Stories of Life and Lives of History. Testimony and Fiction in Photography Regarding a Project
photographic project, photography theory, theory of image, anthropology, semioticsAbstract
In this essay I will present a work of mine, conceived and produced in 2022, which consisted of a photographic exhibition and a book: Linhas com Cruzamentos de Destino (Lines With Destination Crossings; photobook; Câmara Municipal de Palmela; Camilo, 2023). Following this, I will reflect on how this cuts across aspects that are unavoidable in any photographic record, namely that of historical reality and that of representation, which is a symbolic, fictional reality. In the last section, I will outline the production aspects and reception contexts that underlie this project. In this reflection, I will present relevant photographs of the project and the history of photography. From an epistemological point of view, although the essay focuses on the implementation of a project, it weaves in references from the history of photography, visual anthropology and semiotics.
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