Stories of Life and Lives of History. Testimony and Fiction in Photography Regarding a Project




photographic project, photography theory, theory of image, anthropology, semiotics


In this essay I will present a work of mine, conceived and produced in 2022, which consisted of a photographic exhibition and a book: Linhas com Cruzamentos de Destino (Lines With Destination Crossings; photobook; Câmara Municipal de Palmela; Camilo, 2023). Following this, I will reflect on how this cuts across aspects that are unavoidable in any photographic record, namely that of historical reality and that of representation, which is a symbolic, fictional reality. In the last section, I will outline the production aspects and reception contexts that underlie this project. In this reflection, I will present relevant photographs of the project and the history of photography. From an epistemological point of view, although the essay focuses on the implementation of a project, it weaves in references from the history of photography, visual anthropology and semiotics.


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Author Biography

Eduardo J. M. Camilo, Labcom, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal

Eduardo J. M. Camilo is a professor at the University of Beira Interior in the Department of Communication, Philosophy and Politics and a researcher at Labcom. He holds a doctorate with aggregation in communication sciences from the University of Beira Interior. Eduardo Camilo is the author of several works in the field of communication and the discourse of advertising and publicity images; he is an amateur photographer with various exhibitions and photobooks: Boa Sorte, Vai Correr Bem (Good Luck, It Will Be Fine; 2018) and Linhas com Cruzamentos de Destino (Lines With Destination Crossings; 2023).


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How to Cite

Camilo, E. J. M. (2023). Stories of Life and Lives of History. Testimony and Fiction in Photography Regarding a Project. Vista, (12), e023012.