From JODI to AIDOJ: The "Disruption" of Internet Art by Artificial Intelligence




artificial intelligence, creative processes, web art, net art, internet art


This article reflects on the oddities of recent artificial intelligence (AI) tools available on the internet, with the aim of creating an internet artwork titled AIDOJ (2023). It examines the biases stemming from the intrinsic elements of these tools — namely statistical principles and the interpretation of pre-existing data — as well as their large-scale nature. These factors tend to make the tools aesthetically conservative (Martín Prada, 2024), promoting "average" versions of the language (Weatherby, 2023) and reinforcing conventional and hegemonic norms. Believing that the field of art serves as a powerful space for critically reflecting on the implications of technology, we begin by encountering the term "disruptive" — a term whose modern usage denotes a contained and "marketable" form of rebellion. This inadvertently defines one of the most transgressive movements in the history of internet art: the European duo JODI — formed by Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans. We then prompted one of the most popular AI systems to generate creative outputs as chaotic and subversive as JODI's work. Through this process, the compilation of a hundred generated outputs — represented as HTML pages — forms an internet artwork. The work materialises, and as a result, AIDOJ raises critical questions about artistic creation with AI systems, exposing the aesthetic timidity of these technologies.


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Author Biography

Fábio Oliveira Nunes, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil

Fábio Oliveira Nunes (also known as Fabio FON) is an artist-researcher specialising in contemporary languages, with a focus on experimental art, visual poetics, and digital art. He holds a PhD in Arts from the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Arts at the Institute of Arts at São Paulo State University. Additionally, he has a master's degree in Multimedia from the State University of Campinas. He is the author of CTRL+ART+DEL: Distúrbios em Arte e Tecnologia (CTRL+ART+DEL: Disruptions in Art and Technology; Editora Perspectiva, 2010) and Mentira de Artista: Arte (e Tecnologia) que Nos Engana Para Repensarmos o Mundo (Artist's Lie: Art [and Technology] that Deceives Us into Rethinking the World; Cosmogonias Elétricas, 2016). He also serves as the editor of the website Web Arte no Brasil ( FON has actively participated in congresses, meetings, festivals, and exhibitions in Brazil, Portugal, and other countries. Currently, he is a researcher with the cAt: science/art/technology group at Universidade Estadual Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Nunes, F. O. (2024). From JODI to AIDOJ: The "Disruption" of Internet Art by Artificial Intelligence. Vista, (14), e024012.



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