Repairing Communication. Depatriarchalising, Decolonising and Ecologising Media Culture




Review of Comunicación Radical. Despatriarcalizar, Decolonizar y Ecologizar la Cultura Mediática (2022).


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Author Biography

Rosa Cabecinhas, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Rosa Cabecinhas works at the Department of Communication Sciences and is a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre at the University of Minho. She has been conducting interdisciplinary research and coordinated various national and international projects on social memory, intercultural communication, and social change. Cabecinhas served as co-chair of the COST network "Social Psychological Dynamics of Historical Representations in the Enlarged European Union". Currently, she is the principal investigator of the project Migrations, Media, and Activisms in Portuguese Language: Decolonising Mediascapes and Imagining Alternative Futures. Her authored or edited works include Preto e Branco: A Naturalização da Discriminação Racial (Black and White: The Naturalisation of Racial Discrimination; 2017, 2nd edition), Comunicação Intercultural: Perspectivas, Dilemas e Desafios (Intercultural Communication: Perspectives, Dilemmas and Challenges; with Luís Cunha; 2017, 2nd edition) and Abrir os Gomos do Tempo. Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique (Opening the Buds of Time: Conversations About Cinema in Mozambique; with Ana Cristina Pereira; 2022).


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Barreiros, I. B. (2022). Reparar, reparando: A memória colonial na Casa da História Europeia. Práticas da História, 15, 101–149.

Cabecinhas, R. (2022). Outras histórias. Ativismos mnemónicos, género e interseccionalidades. CO(M)XÉNERO. Cadernos de Comunicación e Xénero, 2, 15–35.

Giuliani, G., & Pereira, A. C. (2023). (De)othering the grammar of the nation: Black and anticolonial counter publics in Portugal and Italy. StudiCulturali, 20(3), 273–294.

Macedo, I., Lins, L., Vieira da Silva, T., & Cabecinhas, R. (2023). Exploring images of otherness through cinema. Analysis of counter-visualities in Portuguese films. Papers on Social Representations, 32(2), 1.1–1.27.

Macharia, S. (Ed.). (2020). Who makes the news. 6th Global Monitoring project. GMMP.

Mbembe, A. (2017). Critique of Black reason. Duke University Press. DOI:

Mejías, U. A., & Couldry, N. (2019). Colonialismo de datos: Repensando la relación de los datos masivos con el sujeto contemporâneo. Virtualis, 10(18), 78–97.

Rajkó, A., Herendy, C., Goyanes, M., & Demeter, M. (2023). The Matilda effect in communication research: The Effects of gender and geography on usage and citations across 11 countries. Communication Research. Publicação eletrónica antecipada. DOI:



How to Cite

Cabecinhas, R. (2024). Repairing Communication. Depatriarchalising, Decolonising and Ecologising Media Culture. Vista, (13), e024009.